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Thor, the Norseman has moved! .no

409 Følger
711 Følgere

Reminder to follow me at @thorthenorseman ( because I'm not using this account anymore.

My new main account is @thorthenorseman, so be sure to follow me there.

Just here to once again announce that I won't be using this instance for the time being, so follow me at @thorthenorseman instead. Background: We may possibly shut down since it has failed to grow, and no one wants to maintain it anymore.

Follow me at @thorthenorseman for the time being. I won't be active on this account, other than to post these notices.

Trying out for a while. I won't be active on here. Please follow me at @thorthenorseman

I'm trying out for a while and will be idle here, so follow me there to stay up to date with the Thor Lore.

These wholemeal crackers with pumpkin seeds on them are amazing.

I'll be looking for a new home instance in the time ahead. Those of you who have been following me for a while know what kind of guy I am. What instance would you recommend?

I seem to like my cheeses solid and acidic. Two of my favourite cheeses are Ilchester Cheddar and Parmigiano-Reggiano (Parmesan).

Ah, fuck, I think KeePass Touch is the app that keeps deleting the file attachments. It doesn't seem to support them. Now why the hell is it deleting chunks it doesn't understand? It should be preserving them.

It's always really hard to find good software when you have very specific needs.

I need a password manager that has apps for desktop and mobile, doesn't require an account on the vendor's site, can reliably sync between multiple devices, secures its data with a passphrase and supports attaching custom strings and files to password entries.

The closest I've gotten is KeePassXC, KeePass Touch and Keepass2Android, synced over Dropbox, but the "reliably sync" part keeps breaking...

@benny @calvin @Aaron_h2002 @Qwxlea @codesections @frankiesaxx @MightyPork @Smashnet I've been using KeePassXC synced over Dropbox, with Keepass2Android and KeePass Touch (iOS) but sometimes, the sync overwrites stuff, and also, one of these programs has been deleting my file attachments when it saved the file back again, so I'm looking for something a bit less flaky that is still feature rich.


The instance isn't growing, and the admin team doesn't really have the time or energy to maintain it properly. I'm practically the only non-lurker on the instance, and it doesn't seem worth it to keep maintaining it.

I'm seriously considering the possibility of shutting down and finding a new home in the Fediverse.

Finding a home instance has been a non-issue for me so far. Practically the first thing I did when I joined was to create my own.

What password managers are the IT people here using?

Okay, I'm getting a bit tired of randomly losing KeePassXC entries due to various sync and compatibility issues. I need something better.

What the...

The attachments I added to my KeePassXC database are missing.

I don't know, the elephant website seems fun but will it las-

*Mastodon follower count gets bigger than Twitter follower count*


I tried posting a link to a Live Code session in Visual Studio Code earlier where I had set up a React project and started a dev server, but had no takers. Anyone want to give it a try now?