It's coercion to make a sexual advance toward someone who's less powerful than you, even if you're not threatening them, because they might feel pressured to consent, right?
Aren't most men physically powerful enough to kill most women? Doesn't that make every male-on-female sexual advance a form of coercion? He might kill you if you say no...
If we accept this, what about the whole "the guy has to make the first move" thing that most women want and expect out of men?
@thor It sounds like you expect it to be fair.
@mattskala That's what this whole feminism thing is supposed to be about, right? Gender equality, right? I'm against anything that seems hypocritical.
@mattskala I should mention that I'm not a "make a move" kind of guy myself. Being a good boy, I naturally don't get laid very often. I'm not all that interested in sex, so that's fine with me. But for men who do want a bit of action, this whole thing seems awfully suspect...
@mattskala I've been at parties where somewhat drunk women basically yell "Take me" at a group of guys, and then one guy grabs her and walks off with her, and that's that. They're usually very frustrated that no men have ravaged them on their own initiative and aren't pleased at having to ask. Also, this equality thing seems to totally disappear in the bedroom. There's no such thing as "equal" sex. It goes fully animalistic.
@mattskala I had one girlfriend who liked to push a fist in my stomach, and whenever I complained, she said that I'm a man, and I'm supposed to take it. But when she acted like a total bitch and I slapped her wrist, she threatened to call the cops on me. So equal. So fair...
@thor > That's what this whole feminism thing is supposed to be about, right?
Key on "supposed to." It seems pretty clear that in practice today, that's not what it's about at all.
@thor Great questions and they expose some serious flaws in what we're being told and forced to believe.