I've noticed a communication issue that I have at work:
The other day, I showed up a bit late for work, and told my project manager that I can't keep getting up so early this time of year, due to daylight/sleep cycle issues.
She doesn't object, so I start working later in the day.
Later, she wonders why I'm late again, and I told her that I thought she understood what I was saying earlier.
This happens all the time. I'll say something with clear implications, and people don't catch them.
@Combaticus It feels a little bit like I'm "forgetting the turn signal" in this case, but no one told me I needed a turn signal...
@Combaticus I feel I haven't encountered enough people who demand that I'm always explicit to feel that this is my problem. On the other hand, this is my employer. She described it as a bit unpredictable, but that's only because she didn't take the "hint"... I mean, it wasn't a hint, it was just a thing I mentioned during a conversation, and I sort of expected her to put two and two together...
@thor It's so funny how communication works, especially in a work environment. Everyone is there to do "professional" stuff, but at the same time everyone brings their personal issues to the table. They are simply rarely recognized as having a bearing. It's especially tough when it's a superior with personal issues. That's one of the reasons email follow up is so useful Have a verbal convo, then send a confirmation of the agreement via email so there's proof. lol
People generally hear what they want to, not what actually gets said.
@Algot Oh, she's exactly the sort to do that, isn't she... I call that a type, because some people are actually willing to listen. She's definitely not the empathic listener type... It's hard to get her to laugh when you crack a joke, because she often doesn't get that you're joking, and when she does, she'll do a little "Oh heh heh" and then continue whatever she was doing.
@Algot She's the career type. Wears a smart dress, short hair in a pony tail, and rarely smiles. She doesn't really have time for people's problems, and is very business-like. That's why she has the managerial position, of course.
That is sometimes called "task oriented", I think.
@Algot It's a bit intimidating, because you don't know what her threshold is for turning an annoyance she has with a staff member into a task...
@Algot So far, it seems that she isn't reporting back on these issues to my manager, and I hope it remains that way for the rest of this gig.
I've had sleep cycle issues as well, namely never feeling rested even after a full night's sleep (no real difference based on time of year). Might be what fixed things for me will also help you.
@thor I don't like when that happens because I start to think that maybe I'm the problem and not everyone else. That's always a little disconcerting.