⚒️Thor, the Norseman⚒️ er en bruker på snabeltann.no. Du kan følge dem eller kommunisere med dem hvis du har en konto hvor som helst i fediverset. Hvis du ikke har en konto så kan du registrere deg her.
⚒️Thor, the Norseman⚒️

In Norwegian, you "hit two flies in one swat". In English, you "kill two birds with one stone". That sounds so violent, like, whoa, hold on, I just wanted to swat some flies and you want to mash birds to a pulp with stones instead? That's kind of fucked up.

@thor Only metaphorically though, you understand. 😎

@thor England built a global empire with the sword and cannon! You think cannons are more than just throwing stones really fast?

Totes violent.

@thor in German we have the same as you in Norway: "Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen"
And here you can find it in many other languages...