⚒️Thor, the Norseman⚒️ er en bruker på snabeltann.no. Du kan følge dem eller kommunisere med dem hvis du har en konto hvor som helst i fediverset. Hvis du ikke har en konto så kan du registrere deg her.


This screenshot is the bane of my existence.

I need a reminder to tell me to get something at a train station on the first Monday of every month on my way home from work. It's so easy to state in English, but the closest you can get on iOS is a reminder that will fire every Monday at a given hour and *also* fire whenever I'm in that specific location.

I need boolean logic and either a time range, a compass heading or a "when travelling from" parameter.

@thor it seems the new app (Shortcuts) in the preview release for iOS might be able to do what you want (I believe it can set up conditionals)

@calvin @mdhughes I'm learning many new things today. I knew about IFFFT. I didn't know that it could geofence or that it could filter triggers with TypeScript if you use a developer account. I didn't know about Workflow, nor did I know that Apple acquired it in 2017 and are incorporating it into iOS as Shortcuts.

@mdhughes @calvin I'm not keen on publishing an applet on IFFFT, since it can't accept user inputs for the filter code, meaning that the app would be too specific to be useful to other people. There's also the issue of only triggering the reminder once on that day, and of being able to set a specific time as a fallback, in case I didn't actually go to the office that day, but still need to take care of the task.

⚒️Thor, the Norseman⚒️

@calvin @mdhughes I would want it to trigger specifically if I'm travelling *from* Oslo, not *to* Oslo. Both routes pass through the train station, but the route to Oslo is a bus stop across a walk bridge, and it would not be convenient to do the task in question then. It's only convenient when heading the other way, because that route passes straight through the main station area.

@mdhughes @calvin The simplest option would be to add a time condition, but if I'm not following my usual schedule, that would break it. The geofencing of a phone sitting in my pocket is not likely to be accurate enough to tell two parts of the station apart, so I would instead want to specify as a condition that I have visited two geofenced areas in a specific order. If the Oslo area was littered with iBeacons, the task would be much easier.