Britain's "skills shortage" is a myth.
When employers moan in the press that there aren't enough skilled workers to hire for their company, what they really mean is "we don't want to invest in training and there aren't enough people with the *exact skill set* we need to throw them into our business with no training or development whatsoever".
There is no shortage of skilled, educated, bright people in Britain. There is a shortage of bosses who will invest in staff development.
@iona "Businesses should teach job skills" is one opinion. "Educators should teach job skills" is another. Between these opinions is an unfilled "that's not my job" gap that no one's keen on filling because it's expensive and time consuming to do so.
@iona @saper Anyway, that's the sort of thing I'm thinking of. I find myself teaching juniors a lot recently and I don't mind doing that. Explaining things is fun.