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Article about Mark Zuckerberg and the early Facebook: theguardian.com/technology/201

The fact that Zuckerberg went to Harvard and not Berkeley gives you the first clue about who he is. The chat log where he calls his users "dumb fucks" offers another clue. His polished display of zero sincerity at his Congress hearings seals the deal.

Mark Zuckerberg is a slime ball and represents everything that's wrong about Silicon Valley.

@thor can you tell me the difference between Harvard and Berkley?
I'm no US expert.

Here in germany it's very common to send the ne'er do-wells of rich families to private universities in Switzerland. There they usually get more spoiled than ever but I guess their parents are like "Ech, out of sight out of minds"
Is that a suitable comparison?

@upshotknothole Harvard (and Yale) are known for educating suits, Berkeley (and MIT) are known for educating techs.

@upshotknothole Suits as in rich people, business people, politicians.

@thor education as career booster (and/or excuse to waste the 20s). Got it.

⚒️Thor, the Norseman⚒️

@upshotknothole Harvard does have a respectable computer science program. Bill Gates and Richard Stallman both went there, and they were both real techies, and so was Zuckerberg. The difference is that while Stallman continued his education at MIT, Gates and Zuckerberg dropped out to pursue their companies. For them, business took priority over tech. I'm generalising about these schools, of course, but at the same time, they have their stereotypes for a reason.