Rate of engagement on...
Facebook: 2%
Twitter: 10%
Mastodon: 70%
Twitter responded much more to my statuses than Facebook, but Mastodon is basically spoiling me rotten.
@thor how do you measure engagement?
@Ronkjeffries At least one person boosts, favorites or replies to a post. As you can see, I was a very lonely person on social media before I came here.
@Ronkjeffries (Replace Mastodon jargon with equivalent actions on the other media.)
@thor I have also found that not only does Mastodon better tolerate my shit they thrive on it
@thor @taoeffect same. I feel like conversations are happening again, rather than just meme retweets... or maybe it's the people I'm following 🤔
@thor that is so true! I have basically stopped using twitter because I get so much more interaction.
@thor its almost like this place was designed as a communication medium and not a machine to sell your data :P