⚒️Thor, the Norseman⚒️ er en bruker på snabeltann.no. Du kan følge dem eller kommunisere med dem hvis du har en konto hvor som helst i fediverset. Hvis du ikke har en konto så kan du registrere deg her.
⚒️Thor, the Norseman⚒️

In some cases, people older than you will attempt to dissuade you from pursuing a particular goal. They do this because they had similar goals at your age, but failed to accomplish them. Most ambitious goals can't be accomplished without an unusual degree of luck and skill. Statistically, you probably lack both and their advice is good. But if every youth listened to their elders, no one would ever accomplish interesting things, so do give it a good try. Just remember to have a backup plan.

@thor some people just can't do anything else. They have no plan B. If you have a strong plan B you can consider, you'll probably fail to it.

@thor I am one of those. I wanted to buy lumber to produce firewood with a machine, but dad told me that I then had to go into the woods to get the lumber.
The idea died with that.
I later learned of other that had the same idea and was successful...

Follow your idea's and dreams, it's better turning burn out than fade away