You know... Eating the most calorie-rich thing around is always going to be the quickest solution to your hunger. Preparing a meal takes more effort and provides fewer calories per bite. Humans (and predatory pack mammals) have historically _not_ had an abundance of food. We're wired to refill in case of a shortage. There was absolutely no need for a moderation mechanism. This perfectly explains why I've been eating wine gums for the past few hours instead of preparing real food.
@mintspider I used to buy those assorted bags of licorices and wine gums. Eventually, I realized that I basically really liked wine gums, and began to buy those specifically. I don't think there has been a time since that I am _not_ craving wine gums...
@thor I'm a Scotsman who moved to Kentucky, USA in 1999. It's difficult to find good Wine Gums here.
@mintspider They don't eat them in the United States?
We have a product called "Gummy Bears" in a toy bear shape that sounds like it's the same idea.
@mintspider @Algot My favorite wine gums are, ironically, a shop brand from the cooperative chain I shop at down the road.
@Algot @mintspider Good wine gums are somewhat large and have a soft and chewy center... in my opinion, at least. Aren't gummy bears tiny?
Gummy bears are a bit smaller than my pinky finger tip.
They are chewy throughout, no crusty coating, no sugar coating.
We have Swedish Fish, which are fish shaped, generally red only, and almost as big as a full pinky finger.
@mintspider @Algot It's rare to encounter an English speaker who appreciates salty licorice. We have plenty of it here.
Dutch Dubbel Zout licrorice is such a treat. Hard to find in the US. I'm not a fanboy of Amazon, but it is a benefit to humanity in this case.
I once was a candy carrying member. No more.
I must now watch the parade go by. My pancreas fails to make sufficient insulin to match the flow of glucose through my veins. Each day is a balancing act between insulin injections and the intake of carbohydrates.
Diabetes puts me "in a spot of bother" as my distant cousins to the east sometimes say.
Keep me vicariously in the candy loop, though.
Issues come along for all of us. I made it to late 50s before the diabetes caught up with me. No complaints.
At 70, I am used to the manipulations I go through, and am generally "healthy" from my own perspective.
.cloud @mintspider @thor
Yo I am well into the 6th decade. As an old saying goes: "If I known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of my [insert health item here]
One thing our generation could espouse: processed sugar is poison.
I just watched a Vlog from a mate in Australia (@_SierraKiloBravo_ ) :
You are famous in Melbourne! I time marked it to you, but the whole vlog is wonderful
@YoVinnie @_SierraKiloBravo_ @thor @mintspider He does such a great job with his soundtracks—makes the vid so much more dimensional. Oh, and Algot in IKEA!
@Algot @mintspider I think I tasted gummi bears from Haribo once. They had a rubbery mouthfeel and, like the gummi bears I am seeing on Google Image Search, they are somewhat translucent and polished. Wine gums, on the other hand, are softer, more opaque and less shiny, and if you pull them, they are stringy. Perhaps tender is a better word than chewy here...
@thor Now you have me craving Wine Gums!